Consulting Services
Expert guidance when it matters most—TAG’s consulting services provide tailored solutions to assess threats, mitigate risks, and protect your workplace. Let us help you handle high-stakes situations with confidence and expertise.
TAG originated with case consulting, advising clients case on the safe management of individuals whose behavior threatens or disrupts their businesses and lives. TAG Experts are on call every day to assist clients encountering threats, domestic violence, stalking, and disruptive behaviors.
We are experienced in managing risks from human behavior while putting into place programs with lasting value.
Every large employer occasionally needs to separate someone from employment who is worrisome or downright dangerous. TAG has decades of experience in advising clients how to safely conduct such terminations, including creating scripts to be used in the termination interview.
At the client’s request, a TAG expert will travel to the location and conduct the termination interview. TAG has a 100% success rate in conducting difficult terminations.
Whether the issue is threats; fraud; theft; product diversion; sexual harassment; conflicts of interest; solicitation or payment of bribes, kickbacks, and other amenities; misuse of confidential information and information systems; claims of retaliation and discrimination; or alleged misconduct involving senior leaders or members of the board of directors, TAG can assist clients in the important process of conducting a fair, thorough, and properly documented investigation.
For clients with internal investigative resources, TAG can assist in a variety of ways, such as advising on investigative techniques or interviewing strategy.
For clients short on internal investigative resources, TAG can come on site to conduct an external investigation, including interviews of witnesses and suspects.
Moreover, TAG can train your investigators on the steps for conducting a successful corporate investigation, including interviewing.
TAG offers a model policy for Workplace Violence Prevention and a readily customized Emergency Action Plan. We can review and evaluate your existing policies regarding workplace violence, weapons in the workplace, business conduct, and more, offering recommendations for improvement.
TAG’s internationally recognized experts can collaborate with your business leaders to objectively assess the hazards (potential causes of harm) and risks (probability of occurrence) to the assets of your enterprise, and the potential impact of those hazards and risks.
Ranking these by probability and consequences, our experts work with clients to evaluate mitigation efforts in place to protect high consequence priorities. Together, they discover whether existing security operations are focused on protecting the most important assets.
If desired, TAG can provide a comprehensive report covering the risks facing your enterprise, along with best practices, recommendations, and customized mitigation options. These recommendations specifically address business continuity and the protection of core assets.
TAG can provide a unique one-day assessment of your organization’s security “footprint.” A TAG security expert will conduct an on-site evaluation of your organization’s security operations and present findings of consequence to key decision makers. These assessments provide valuable considerations and best practice concepts to help key decision makers assess their security capabilities.
Shareholder meetings and company-sponsored events are a more likely target today than ever before. TAG has been dealing with former employees and others attempting crimes in these settings for 30 years. And if you operate or host events at sports and entertainment venues, convention centers, arenas, parade sites, hotels, shopping malls, or other heavily populated venues, you need to accept that these have all become increasingly attractive targets for both individual criminals and terrorists.
If you’re ready to re-examine your existing security efforts and consider enhancements to fortify the safety and security of your events, TAG’s event security specialists will work with your corporate security team, venue security personnel, and appropriate law enforcement agencies anywhere in the world to assess selected venue sites for annual shareholder meetings and corporate events, to provide security gap analysis, and to provide specific recommendations to address potential threats and vulnerabilities.
TAG provides behavioral analysis (profiling) to help identify unknown suspects of criminal or policy-violating misconduct, as well as to develop investigative and interviewing strategies. In doing so, TAG draws on more than 100 years of collective experience with the FBI and decades of training, research, and investigative experience with the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Units and former Behavioral Science Unit.
For example, TAG has assisted clients in identifying extortionists, the authors of anonymous communications, persons making bomb threats, persons tampering with consumer products, and the suspect who murdered a female employee.
When a particular facility stands out for under-reporting of misconduct, high levels of employee fear or dissatisfaction, a high rate of suicide, declining productivity or attendance, or other behavioral problems, TAG experts can come on site to identify the root causes through behavioral analysis, management interviews, and employee surveys.
TAG has experience using these same skills to work collaboratively with crisis management teams to prepare for and respond to mass shootings, explosions, bioterrorism, product tampering, and other emergencies; with corporate communications teams to respond to campaigns to discredit a product, an ingredient used in manufacturing, research methods, or the entire company; and with employee relations during the negotiation of significant labor-management disputes or the mediation of disputes among employees during downsizings or other major changes.
When indicated, leading forensic psychiatrists and forensic psychologists are available to conduct fitness for duty or violence risk assessments on behalf of employers through TAG’s sister company, Park Dietz & Associates.
TAG experts regularly serve as consultants and expert witnesses in employment litigation and workplace violence litigation.
Litigation-related services are provided through TAG’s sister company, Park Dietz & Associates, Inc.