TAG’s e-learning platform delivers engaging, on-demand training for
specialists, managers, and employees, equipping your workforce with the
knowledge to prevent workplace violence and misconduct.
1. Your Role in Workplace Violence Prevention (13 min)
Learn what you should observe and report. You can help save someone’s job and maybe even save a life. (CA Compliant Version Available)
Learn what you should observe and report. You can help save someone’s job and maybe even save a life. (CA Compliant Version Available)
2. Gatekeeper Safety: How to Deal with Unwanted Writings, Calls, and Visits (15 min)
Learn how to identify, deal with, and report unwanted writings, calls, and visits.
Learn how to identify, deal with, and report unwanted writings, calls, and visits.
3. Domestic Violence (15 min)
Learn to recognize the signs of domestic abuse in the workplace or at home.
Learn to recognize the signs of domestic abuse in the workplace or at home.
4. Responding to an Armed Attack (10 min)
Learn how you should respond in the event of an armed attack.
Learn how you should respond in the event of an armed attack.
1. Managing Troubled People (18 min)
Learn how to identify workplace behaviors that you can discuss with your employees to improve performance, how to identify behavioral emergencies, and when to seek guidance from others.
Learn how to identify workplace behaviors that you can discuss with your employees to improve performance, how to identify behavioral emergencies, and when to seek guidance from others.
2. Managing Troubling Situations (15 min)
Learn how to identify workplace behaviors that you should report to others who have specialized training to assist you. (CA Compliant Version Available)
Learn how to identify workplace behaviors that you should report to others who have specialized training to assist you. (CA Compliant Version Available)
3. Domestic Violence (15 min)
Learn to recognize the signs of domestic abuse in the workplace or at home.
Learn to recognize the signs of domestic abuse in the workplace or at home.
4. Responding to an Armed Attack (10 min)
Learn how you and your employees should respond in the event of an armed attack.
Learn how you and your employees should respond in the event of an armed attack.
1. Workplace Violence Prevention (29 min)
Learn about the universal causes and effects of workplace misconduct, TAG’s 12 Maxims, the team approach to case management, everyone’s role in prevention, and TAG’s Key Tenets.
Learn about the universal causes and effects of workplace misconduct, TAG’s 12 Maxims, the team approach to case management, everyone’s role in prevention, and TAG’s Key Tenets.
2. Investigation (26 min)
Learn about the basics of investigation, the steps in a preliminary investigation, when to escalate the case to a team, when to consult TAG, supplemental and special investigations, and interviewing. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the basics of investigation, the steps in a preliminary investigation, when to escalate the case to a team, when to consult TAG, supplemental and special investigations, and interviewing. (Includes case studies).
3. Assessing and Managing Workplace Threats (31min)
Learn the purpose of threat assessment, what constitutes a threat, 20 warning signs of violence, situational risk factors, risk factors for the mentally ill, protective factors, and principles of risk assessment and threat management. (Includes case studies).
Learn the purpose of threat assessment, what constitutes a threat, 20 warning signs of violence, situational risk factors, risk factors for the mentally ill, protective factors, and principles of risk assessment and threat management. (Includes case studies).
4. Intimate Partner Violence (28 min)
Learn about the prevalence of intimate partner violence, the effects on the workplace, predictors of lethal outcome, TAG’s basic approach, when to escalate cases to the team, the pros and cons of restraining orders, and the protection of targeted victims. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the prevalence of intimate partner violence, the effects on the workplace, predictors of lethal outcome, TAG’s basic approach, when to escalate cases to the team, the pros and cons of restraining orders, and the protection of targeted victims. (Includes case studies).
5. Stalking (28 min)
Learn about the definitions, statistics, and impacts of stalking, commonly reported behaviors, risk factors for violence by stalkers, the 5-step process of stalking, and stalker management strategies. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the definitions, statistics, and impacts of stalking, commonly reported behaviors, risk factors for violence by stalkers, the 5-step process of stalking, and stalker management strategies. (Includes case studies).
6. Cyberstalking and Related Misconduct (24 min)
Learn about the definition, features, and laws against cyberstalking and cyberbullying and the problem of cyber slamming and other web-based misconduct that may target your employees. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the definition, features, and laws against cyberstalking and cyberbullying and the problem of cyber slamming and other web-based misconduct that may target your employees. (Includes case studies).
7. Life Stress, Personality Disorder, and Substance Abuse (27 min)
Learn about the workplace impact and signs of stressful life events, personality disorders, and substance abuse and some recommended management techniques. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the workplace impact and signs of stressful life events, personality disorders, and substance abuse and some recommended management techniques. (Includes case studies).
8. Mental Illness and Suicide Prevention (42 min)
Learn about the workplace impact and signs of common mental illnesses, available management strategies, risk factors for suicide, and methods of suicide prevention. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the workplace impact and signs of common mental illnesses, available management strategies, risk factors for suicide, and methods of suicide prevention. (Includes case studies).
9. Safe Termination (29 min)
Learn the signs of an end-stage employee, the recommended timing, location, and agenda for termination, steps to take during high risk terminations, when to terminate by phone, and recommended termination softeners. (Includes case studies).
Learn the signs of an end-stage employee, the recommended timing, location, and agenda for termination, steps to take during high risk terminations, when to terminate by phone, and recommended termination softeners. (Includes case studies).
10. Problematic Former Employees (23 min)
Learn about the predictors and forms of post-employment misconduct and recommended strategies for preventing access and managing harassment. (Includes case studies).
Learn about the predictors and forms of post-employment misconduct and recommended strategies for preventing access and managing harassment. (Includes case studies).
11. Managing Unwanted Communications and Visits (40 min)
Learn about warning signs of violence by outsiders, the need for an early warning system and how to create one, the importance of documenting and assessing all unwanted contacts, not just threats, what to look for in assessment, and how to handle unwanted writings, calls, and visits. (Includes case studies).
Learn about warning signs of violence by outsiders, the need for an early warning system and how to create one, the importance of documenting and assessing all unwanted contacts, not just threats, what to look for in assessment, and how to handle unwanted writings, calls, and visits. (Includes case studies).
12. Preparing for an Armed Attack (21 min)
Learn about armed attacks, how to prepare your organization for an armed attack, what to expect from law enforcement, general guidelines for all incidents, and specific guidelines for four scenarios: armed attacker in an open area; armed attacker outside your building; armed attacker in your building; armed attacker in your room. (Includes case study).
Learn about armed attacks, how to prepare your organization for an armed attack, what to expect from law enforcement, general guidelines for all incidents, and specific guidelines for four scenarios: armed attacker in an open area; armed attacker outside your building; armed attacker in your building; armed attacker in your room. (Includes case study).
Recognize. Report. Respond.
Empower your workforce with interactive, customizable, and enterprise-wide e-learning. Our training adapts to your organization’s needs, ensuring employees are informed, engaged, and equipped to foster a safer, more accountable workplace.
TAG360 members and other subscribers to TAG’s e-learning may host TAG’s SCORM-compliant lessons on their learning management systems or can arrange to view them on a TAG-hosted platform.
No. Learners can participate using common browsers, computers, and mobile devices.
Yes. All lessons are mobile-friendly.
Yes. Learners enter their name and company name and may download a certificate of completion.
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