Live Training

TAG offers comprehensive live training in workplace violence prevention. We'll come to you, anywhere your people work. With programs that are tailored to every level of an organization – including professionals who manage violence risk, managers & supervisors, employees, faculty, students, and others – TAG training is available in a variety of media and at a range of pricing to meet your needs.

  • TAG's training for professionals who manage violence risk is a comprehensive introduction to the core principles, key themes, and effective management strategies of misconduct mitigation. Delivered by leading experts, this 12-lesson course provides a detailed presentation and analysis of what team members need to know to improve their organization's management of behavioral risks and threats. The curriculum includes a significant number of teaching cases that offer compelling illustration of topics, describe multiple options for responding, and detail TAG's recommendations for responding safely and effectively.

    The corporate curriculum covers:

    • Characteristics of Workplace Misconduct

    • Creating and Maintaining a Safe Workplace

    • Assessing Risks

    • Investigation

    • Intimate Partner Violence

    • Stalking and Cyberstalking

    • Safe Termination

    • Personality Disorder

    • Mental Illness

    • Suicide

    • Unwanted Communications and Visits

    • Preparing for an Armed Attack

  • TAG's training for those who supervise others teaches supervisory skills necessary to respond appropriately to early, middle, and late risk indicators. Depending on the organization's needs, the curriculum may include:

    • Managing Troubled People

    • Managing Troubling Situations

    • Domestic Violence

    • Responding to an Armed Attack

  • TAG's training programs for employees and for students emphasize the importance to the community of early reporting. Depending on the organization's needs, the curriculum may include:

    • Your Role in Preventing Violence

    • Dealing with Unwanted Communications and Visits

    • Domestic Violence

    • Responding to an Armed Attack

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