Live Virtual Training
When you need truly interactive training and it just won’t work to bring people together in person, TAG webinar training is the next best thing:
Taught by experienced experts who can field any question on the topic
Taught using language geared to the audience
Hosted on the live, interactive webinar platform of your choice
Unlimited audience size
Flexible scheduling across global time zones and work shifts
Advanced Workplace Misconduct Mitigation:
Overview of Workplace Misconduct
Creating and Maintaining a Safe Workplace
Assessing Risks
Intimate Partner Violence
Safe Termination
Personality Disorder
Mental Illness
Unwanted Communications and Visits
Preparing for an Armed Attack
Program Development:
Building a High-Performing Interdisciplinary Team
Building an Effective Corporate Investigative Program
Formulating an Emergency Action Plan for an Armed Attack
Armed Attack Tabletop Exercise for Executive Crisis Management Team
Armed Attack Tabletop Exercise for Facility Leaders
Corporate Investigative Interviewing:
Prerequisites for a Successful Interview
Planning and Initiating an Effective Interview
Formulating Effective Questions and Evaluating Responses
Collecting Complete and Accurate Information During an Interview
Understanding Verbal and Non-Verbal Behaviors
Seeking an Admission
Screening and Assessing External Threats:
Screening and Assessing Online Threats
Screening and Assessing Incoming Communications
Managing a Safe and Respectful Workplace
Managing Troubled People
Managing Troubling Situations
Domestic Violence
Responding to an Armed Attack
Your Role in Workplace Violence Prevention
Your Role in a Safe and Respectful Workplace
Dealing with Unwanted Visits, Calls, and Writings
Domestic Violence
Responding to an Armed Attack
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