Celebrating Ron Walker’s 20th Anniversary with TAG
Ron Walker may be the only man alive who can lay claim to having been a fighter pilot, an FBI criminal profiler, and a consultant to the Fortune 500. Ron joined TAG in April, 2000, after 20 years in the FBI and 12 years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force. TAG is proud of his accomplishments and grateful that he has been on our team for the past 20 years. As we look forward to his continuing contributions to making the world a safer place, we thought a 20-year anniversary might be a good time to share a bit of information about what this man has done to protect our nation and our communities.
In the Air Force, Ron was an F-4 Phantom fighter aircraft aviator and weapon systems operator in SE Asia and Europe, where he directed the employment of tactical fighter aviation units. Even after joining the FBI, he rose through the ranks of the U.S. Air Force Reserve, becoming a Major in the U.S. Air Force Security Police and, as a Lieutenant Colonel, a Special Agent in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations where he consulted in major crime investigations such as homicide and sexual assault and provided threat assessments in cases involving real or suspected threats to Air Force installations, operational facilities, and personnel.
In the FBI, Ron began as a Special Agent in the Washington, D.C., Field Office, and became a Supervisory Special Agent at the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA. Ron was one of the original cadre of “profilers” in the famed FBI Behavioral Science Investigative Support Unit, popularized in the “Silence of the Lambs” and the “Criminal Minds” television series. As a Senior Criminal Investigative Profiler, he provided operational consultation and training in offender profiling, threat assessment and management, and critical incident response. Highlights of his third FBI assignment as a Supervisory Special Agent at the Denver, Colorado, Field Office were coordinating with the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, supervising and directing the investigative operations of five Resident Agency offices in Colorado, and supervising the Violent Crimes/Fugitive Task Force and the Evidence Response Team.
Ron has played a major role in such noteworthy cases as the 1984 “hammer murders” in Colorado, the murder of Jennifer Blagg, the murder of JonBenét Ramsey, and the Columbine High School mass murder.
Ron has provided case consultations to law enforcement and other agencies throughout the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Puerto Rico in over 2000 investigations involving homicide, sexual assault, child abduction and molestation, kidnapping, extortion, arson and bombing, product tampering, political corruption, organized crime, armed robbery, white collar crime, and counterintelligence.
Since joining TAG, Ron has provided expert advice and management consultation in over 1000 cases involving threats and other misconduct affecting the workplace for more than 150 TAG corporate clients, while continuing his work on homicide, sexual assault, armed robbery, child sex abuse and molestation, kidnapping, suicide, and false allegations of criminal victimization through Park Dietz & Associates. As a nationally recognized expert, Ron has testified as an expert witness in homicide, sexual assault, gang violence, and myriad other cases.
TAG Expert: Ron Walker (FBI, ret.)
Ron Walker in U.S. Air Force
Dateline Interview: Jonbenet Ramsey